Saturday 23 April 2011


The correct greeting should not be Happy Easter, but rather HAPPY PASCHA derived from Hebrew Pesach - meaning the festival of Passover.
Easter is a wonderful time to enjoy family and friends, a wonderful meal, lots a goodies. It's srpring, the grass getting greener, the days getting longer and sunny and even the birds having a good time. Even some of us attend church.

Have we forgotten what Easter really means…?
All our lives we learn about our Savior who died and rose again on the third day. I enjoy all the reminders of the season, it brings on a fresh new feeling, and a new beginning. I also remember of the suffering our Savior endured. We forget that he was nailed to that old cross, slandered, and spit on. Once he died he was taken and clothed in white, and placed in a tomb. They even tried to come up with a story, just in case he disappeared from his tomb. Which we know he did.

We live in a day and age, where budgets, and gas, and survival are the quickest ways to make us forget the real reason why we celebrate this special day.

Enjoy the ham, the yams, the goodies, the time of the family and  friends, the sunshine, but when you have a quiet moment,don't forget to take some time and dwell on the goodness of his mercies this Easter day.

What Easter Means to God

What if this year at Easter
I put all bunnies to the side,
forget about the chocolates
and not a single egg I hide.

I wouldn't fill an Easter basket
but instead fill up my mind
with sweet thoughts of that
Easter morn
and a Man no one could find.

I think that I might sympathize
with Thomas who had to feel
the nail holes in his Savior's hands
to know that He was real.

And that is what I think that God
would help my heart to see
what Easter really means to Him
and what it means for me.

author unknown


In Portuguese Easter is Páscoa; In Spanish is Pascua; in Italian and Catalan Pasqua; In French, is Pâques; In Dutch, Easter is known as pasen and in the Scandinavian languages Easter is known as påske (Danish and Norwegian), påsk (Swedish), páskar

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