Wednesday 12 October 2011

Waitress shames bully customer on Facebook

Yuppie Scum’ Patron Tells Waitress to Lose Weight

 Victoria Liss, an innocent waitress from Seattle, is waging Facebook war against a customer who left her no tip and a nasty note reading, "P.S. You could stand to loose [sic] a few pounds." The restaurant is called Bimbo's Cantina, and the customer's name is Andrew Meyer, who, according to Liss, "was dressed like that gay kid on Glee. Yuppie scum!" Like an all-you-can-eat buffet of class ...  (

Your Name is Andrew, and On Friday Night You Stiffed a Popular Capitol Hill Bartender    
And that's not a crime, of course, and you probably weren't the only person to stiff a bartender in Seattle this weekend. But you were the only person dumb/hateful/angry enough to write this on your credit card slip:

This wouldn't happen at Masa.
I'm sure there's another side to this story—maybe you felt your bartender was rude? rude enough for you to stiff her and attack her for her looks?—but however many sides there are, Andrew, however rude a Capitol Hill bartender can be, I shouldn't have to tell someone who works at freaking Microsoft about social media. Bartenders can toss shit up on Facebook too. It's true! And your receipt is all over Facebook. As is your full name, your photograph, your phone number, the name of your employer, the name of your frat, and more. All shit this bartender's angry friends managed to dig up in a weekend. Now bar owners and bartenders are talking about posting your picture—which they also managed to find—at the doors of their bars and clubs and 86ing you from all of 'em.
So, like, basically, Andrew, the days when a guy with a good paying job could say incredibly shitty things to a server with total impunity are pretty much over. Thanks to the tech sector. You know: your industry.
I'm thinking you might wanna head over to Victoria's Facebook page and, I dunno, apologize maybe? Just blame the booze, Andrew.
(Interview w/Victoria:

Her advice for the nouveau riche? “We live in a social networking hub, don’t shit where you eat.”

Now the witch hunt is on for Andy Meyer: His photograph, phone number as well as other details about possible employers and his frat have all been dug up and posted online. Seattle-area bar owners have even plastered the man’s photo on the doors of their establishments, like a modern day wanted sign.

Comment: When being a boor, pay cash.

Have you ever gone out of your way to not tip a server whose performance you didn’t like? Have you experienced customers’ wrath from the other side of the counter?

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